Welcome to Al-Alcon

At Al-Alcon

Corrosion Management, Design & Fabrication of Packaged Systems and Marine Maintenance Services

At Al-Alcon

Mechanical & Static Engineering with Maintenance & Inspection Services

At Al-Alcon

Engineering Services and Procurment

AL-ALCON’s capacity to deliver the best possible solutions to a client is strengthened by our strategic partnerships. Our alliance partners in the marine, remote access, corrosion monitoring, inspection, maintenance, construction, and fabrication industries will enable AL-ALCON the capability of turnkey packaging of difficult project solutions.
In the future, with the help of our foreign technical partners, the company will enter the international market providing the services listed herein, to the oil and gas industry within the West African region and beyond.

AL-ALCON also partner with local educational institutions to create training programs, to deepen the talent pool and ensure future generations of experienced and highly trained workforce. To the extent that they are, and seen as, responsive, dedicated, trustworthy, and caring, while balancing the pursuit of organizational, career and individual growth.
Our training programs are:

• tailored to your needs
• short to the point; no fluff of information
• emphasis on behavioral modeling, techniques & tools that works
• plus fun learning environment